25 Things to Be Thankful For
November 20, 2020
During stressful times, it’s especially important to reflect on all of the positive things that you have. James Allen, a well-known British philosophical writer, notes that “no duty is more urgent than giving thanks.” In this season of gratitude, we asked clients, colleagues and friends what they are thankful for in tough times. We got some amazing responses, and we are thrilled to share them:
When times are tough, what things are you grateful for?
- The amazing community of people surrounding us and inspiring us every day
- The angels in my life in the form of family, friends and colleagues
- The patience and understanding others grant me when stress affects my mood
- Having choices – a lot of people have few or none
- The amazing team at the OLC
- We are thankful for our health
- Children’s laughter
- Hope and optimism
- I am grateful for the love and support of my family
- Hugs from my grandsons who are always excited to see me and spend time with me
- I am grateful for my Faith, Family, Friends and the Freedoms that I have living in the USA
- The opportunities I have today
- Sunshine
- Random acts of kindness
- Modern conveniences that were not always available
- The ability to work from home in my pajamas
- My pets
- A book or movie that makes me laugh
- Remaining positive even when things are difficult
- The first snowfall
- Having a roof over our head and access to food
- Continued family traditions
- Hiking trails where you can get out into nature
- Pumpkin pie
- Setbacks and hardships that have made me stronger.
According to the positivity blog, practicing gratitude can help lift your mood and boost motivation, find the things in your life that you want to focus even more of your time and energy on and to find joy even during the tougher times.
Want to share your thoughts? Contact the OLC to share what you are thankful for!