2021 Events – Year at a Glance

Lisé Puckorius, CAE
March 25, 2022

As a leading medical education and training facility, the OLC was able to safely remain open for all of 2021 for crucial bio-skills medical training, important research meetings and critical education events. Our staff members remained essential, working long hours, dedicated to clients and committed to enhancements to OLC’s preparedness and protection measures. This also included the OLC becoming a GBAC STAR Accredited facility, with our own GBAC certified technician overseeing our stringent preparedness and protection plan. The safety of our clients is our top priority, and all events were held safely with social distancing and masking measures in place.

While 2021 marked the second year of the Covid-19 pandemic, the OLC was able to hold more events and see an increase in attendees. This is due to our ability to provide safe creative meeting solutions such as hybrid meetings, live meetings with virtual elements and socially distanced face-to-face interactions, as well as live broadcasts to national and international audiences. The flexibility of the OLC allowed us to adapt to an unprecedented year and result in a 78% increase in attendees and 69% increase in events held.



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