10 Most Common Questions on Preparedness and Protection at the OLC
As a healthcare and educational meeting facility, the safety and health of our community are always of the utmost importance at OLC. Now, more than ever, the need for collaboration is critical. While we all find new and innovative ways to gather, OLC has successfully transitioned many organizations to a hybrid meeting platform. We have also added additional measures and precautions to protect and maintain the health and safety of our guests and staff on-site.
No doubt you have questions. We’ve compiled the top 10 most common inquiries about what preparedness at OLC looks like in the new normal:
1. How will you ensure social distancing?
Modified room layouts have been configured to keep attendees spaced out at least 6 feet apart. Social distancing is enforced in all common areas, labs, locker rooms and meeting rooms. A new and separate OLC entrance, with ample signage, has been designated outside the building for all attendees to use while entering and exiting.
2. Do attendees have to wear a mask?
Yes, face coverings are required to both enter the building and enter the OLC meeting space. We will provide new masks to wear while on-site, which will be discarded upon exiting. All OLC staff wear masks at all times as well.
3. What type of cleaning procedures are in place?
In addition to routinely sanitizing commonly used surfaces, we have implemented Electrostatic Disinfection. This preventative and forensic spraying uses Multi-Clean Century Q 256 to ensure all surfaces are wrapped with EPA registered, hospital-grade disinfectant.
4. What processes are in place for crowd control?
A complete attendee list is required 24 hours in advance of all events and no entry into the OLC without this information is allowed. Staggered arrival times are assigned, and our concierge meets every guest at the door to confirm identity and ensure that an electronically signed waiver has been submitted.
5. Are you screening for virus symptoms?
We use a standard checklist to screen each attendee for symptoms and no-touch thermometers are available for fever screening.
6. Is your air properly circulated?
Our high ceilings ensure appropriate air quality and our HVAC system uses 100% outside air and MERV 14 filtration.
7. How are medical meetings handled?
We provide staff members with uniforms and personal protection equipment (at no cost to the staff). Faculty and attendees can arrive in their scrubs or we offer individually packaged disposable scrubs for lab meetings, distributed upon arrival. Locker room access is permitted in shifts, monitored by OLC staff.
8. Is there a specific point of contact for COVID-19 questions?
We have a designated administrator that can answer or address any concerns regarding COVID-19. We also continue to monitor changing CDC recommendations and state-specific guidelines with a team in place to update protocols where necessary.
9. Are refreshments still available for my meeting?
Yes, OLC continues to work with our industry food partners to provide individually packaged food and beverage items. Various options are available, including pre-packed meals that attendees pick up from multiple locations, or boxed meals already placed at their seats at the event.
10. What if some attendees don’t feel comfortable attending in-person? Do I have other options?
OLC has various virtual alternatives in place for attendees that may not feel comfortable with in-person meetings yet. We are experienced with online participation using various video streaming and Web conference software. There is also a state-of-the-art broadcast studio, where meetings can be livestreamed or recorded for future use.
OLC continues to adapt and innovate to bring you creative meetings solutions while prioritizing the health and safety of our attendees. Contact the OLC to learn more about our hybrid meeting capabilities and flexible meeting space options to safely meet your collaboration needs.